GT-310C-NI - Non-Condensing Concentric Vent Indoor Tankless Water Heater

GT-310C-NI - Non-Condensing Concentric Vent Indoor Tankless Water Heater Where to Buy

Fully modulating, gas fired, tankless water heater with sealed combustion and power vented flue. Supplies hot water to domestic hot water systems (directly or indirectly) and can be used with water storage tanks, recirculation systems, and/ or combined domestic & heating applications.


  • 15-year limited Heat Exchanger Warranty, 5-year parts warranty, 1-year labor warranty for Residential applications
  • Commercial Grade Copper Heat Exchanger
  • Ultra-Low NOx emissions
  • Convertible from Natural Gas to Liquid Propane
  • Non-Condensing Concentric Vent Indoor model
  • Supplied with a power cord